Thursday, September 20, 2012


Welcome to 10types of innovation!
This post contains an interesting recipe.  However you are not on a culinary blog and I am not a professional cook (by the way neither a basic one).
In fact, I am going to talk about how you can “cook” an innovation starting from your own experiences and how you can “differentiate” your  innovation main course.
Do not worry about your firsts results: It takes time to understand how to mix in a perfect way all these ingredients, but I will help you giving some pictures and important nutritional information.
 So, Let’s start talking about our main “ingredients”:
-          A “lazy piece of meat” Brain who will become our primary source (1,1-1,5 kg)
-          experiences (both physical and emotional) (as required)
   1) take a physical or an emotional experience: it doesn’t matter what kind of experience; we live old and new experiences in every moment of our day.  Just grab one of them! 
   2) perceive your experience through the five senses: sight, touch, taste, hear and smell. These are interconnected with your brain: our most important primary ingredient.
      Our brain, however, is “a lazy piece of meat” ( and it will try to categorize your experience into an old pattern, putting it into the BOX (see figure 1)
      BE CAREFUL!   
        Your purpose is to create a new pattern, putting your experience outside the BOX. Therefore, you will have to live NEW experiences such as finding new places, meeting with new people or simply doing your normal activities in a different way.
        Once you have created a new pattern, your perception of the experience will be transformed into imagination and creativity: you are thinking outside the BOX.

The result of our first recipe is CREATIVITY.  

If you mix and whip creativity, imagination and new ideas, you will get an INVENTION that is the first occurrence of a creative idea.
        How it comes the most difficult part: how an invention can be transformed into an innovation.
        Why there are so many inventions and few innovations?
        In a normal recipe not every ingredient will be part of the final recipe. Some of these, in fact, will not pass on the cooking filter
        In our case the market is the cooking filter: only few invention becomes an INNOVATION that is the first attempt to carry an invention into practice.  
        BUT you don’t have to necessarily create a new invention to have an innovation.  You can choose from an existing invention and try to pass it into your “cooking filter”: it will result an innovation defined within market space.


Finally we have our main course: INNOVATION! But what does it taste like?
You can “cook” innovation in many ways, but I think that the most delicious are:
Do you really want to try new tastes? Do you think that your innovation will be a “cook” changer? 
You should cook a radical innovation: it will create new technologies and it will use new market spaces without affecting the existing markets.
Pizza Hut used to be a radical innovation: it didn’t affect” the pizzeria business” but it created a new market using new technologies.

Are you a traditional cook? Do you think that you will “cook on” current innovation?
You should make an incremental innovation: it uses existing forms of technology for a new purpose, focusing on costs and improving competiveness.
Mc Donald’s now offers to its customers incremental variety of food, it started only wit h burgers and fries but now it has a wide range of food and beverages.

Do you want to have “dead ingredients” in your wake?
You should try a disruptive innovation. It will disrupt other markets, creating a new one.
Starbucks is the best example of disruptive innovation: it has completely changed the meaning of “drinking a coffee” and has created a new “coffee market”.

   In the innovation recipe we have talked about two terms: technology and meaning. These are seen as two dimensions where innovation can happen. The two are related, and as such there’s always a bit of each in every innovation. “(

Tech Push innovation is looking for solutions before turning onto the market without proper consideration of whether or not it satisfies a use need”(
Market pull innovation,  is looking for trends in the market.
Meaning-driven innovation not only looks for trends in the market but also gives new  and radical meanings.
Now the dinner is almost ready! But every professional cook knows that “the meal presentation” is as important as the preparation. How should you serve your new innovation to your customers? Do you want to focus on main course configuration, offerings or experience?
A Doblin research find 10types of innovation and “showed that companies that integrate multiple types of innovation will develop offerings that are more difficult to copy and that generate higher returns.”(
      They are divided in 3 main categories: configuration, offerings and experience.

Do you want to focus on your “meal structure”? You should align your talents and assets. Whole foods did it and now is one of the most important in its field.
Do you want to deliver your main course to your customers using a different channel? Nepresso should be your model; they sell their coffee only in their shops together with their particular coffee makers.
Do you want to concentrate on your service? “Bubba Gump”, a seafood restaurant chain, have waiters that sit with customers asking them challenging questions.

Whatever you choose, remember that now “innovation is the chef specialty of any enterprise  and its process starts only from you, your experience and your brain.
If you follow my innovation recipe, you will prepare fantastic chef specialties!


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